Submission Guide

“Pacific Journal of Business and Societal Research” encourages you to submit your high quality, original and well-contributed research work. The manuscript must follow the complete guidelines prior to submission. The journal have complete right to deny the submission if manuscript failed to follow the guidelines.
1. Manuscript Preparation
The “Pacific Journal of Business and Societal Research” only accepts your original research article written in English language. The manuscript should not have punctuation, grammatical, language and spelling errors. If you found these errors, then proofread your article before submission. The word count limit for submission to journal is minimum 4000 to maximum 9000 words including references, tables and figures. Each figure have equivalence of 200 words.
The further formatting guidelines are given below:
1.1. Research paper format
The manuscript should follow original research, explain appropriate methods, highlight real problem, reveal extensive literature and provide specific hypothesis or research questions.

The empirical research article should make the following headings prior to submission:
– Title page (Article title, Authors’ affiliations, authors’ name and authors’ contact details)
– Abstract (200 to 400 words)
– Keywords
– Introduction
– Literature Review
– Methodology
– Results & Findings
– Discussion
– Conclusion
– Limitations
– Implications
– References
The review article and literature based article should follow guidelines given below:
– Title page (Article title, Authors’ affiliations, authors’ name and authors’ contact details)
– Abstract (200 to 400 words)
– Keywords
– Introduction
– Review of Literature
– Results
– Conclusion
– References

1.2. Text
The text of whole manuscript should focus on guidelines given below:
– Font size: 12
– Font Style: Times New Roman
– Title Heading Size: 14
– 1st Heading size: 12
– 2nd Heading size: 12 (Italic)
– 3rd Heading size: 12 (Italic and underline)
– Line spacing 1.5

1.3. Tables
The number of every table should be given in text. Moreover, the detail of every table should be provided above the table. The numbering of tables should be in Roman (e.g. Table I, Table II, Table IV). If the table is taken from any source then its citation should be mentioned.

1.4. Figures
The publication of article in this journal is only black and white. Therefore, every figure should be in black and white color. The resolution of figure must not exceed 300 dpi. Figure must be converted to 300 dpi prior to submission. Every figure must be clear, high end and visible. The figure should place within body of manuscript and cited with proper title. The numbering of figure should be in Roman (e.g.Figure I, Figure II, Figure IV).


1.5. References
The article must follow APA 6th style guidelines or citations and referencing. The further guide on APA can check on following URL:
The references given in end of manuscript should be in arranged alphabetically and follow APA style.
2. Cover letter
The cover letter should be provided along with manuscript. Every acknowledgement and funding source should be mentioned in cover.
Information required on cover letter is given below:
– Corresponding authors or contact person (including full name; phone number; email address; and mailing address)
– Specification of number of items displayed like charts and tables and other attachments
– Declaration statement
– Funding source (Yes or No)
The letter should submitted beside file of original manuscript.

3. Permission and Licensing
The article published by journal will be property of journal and every author should transfer all copy writes to journal. The author or authors should mention the resources from where they took data before disbursement of copyright. Its responsibility of author to make that submitted work is original, and not published or under review elsewhere. If author want to add published data or figure then he or she is liable to obtain permission form the copyright holder.